Below is a list of the main innovative devices that I decided, together with my Dentalnarco dental center partners, to equip me:
Operative Microscope Leica M525F
Intraoral Scanner (digital impression) Trios3- 3Shape
TC Cone Beam White-Fox Acteon (widest field of view: 20 x 17 cm)
Ortopantografia-Cefalometria digitale e TC Cone Beam Trium-Acteon (widest field of view: 11x8 cm).
Surgical Piezoelectric Console Cube-Acteon
Diode Laser
We can certainly say that "we live in interesting times": the opportunities offered by today's technical and technological development are nothing short of exciting!
On the other hand, the scenario we face is gradually becoming increasingly complex and sometimes it is difficult to keep up with the changing times; this applies to all realities, including therefore the dental one.
My team and I firmly believe in the need to invest in technological innovation (as shown by the list of the equipment listed above and which alone amount to several hundred thousand euros!): Innovation means in most cases "doing things old in a new way "... presumably better.
My choices, shared with the Dentalnarco Dental Center team, have always aimed at the adoption of techniques and the purchase of equipment that is able to give a real advantage to our patients: any technological investment that a dental practice makes, in one way or another, will then be repaid by the patients who are therefore the end users.
For this reason we have chosen to be deontologically correct and not to adopt “assault” marketing policies in order to promote imaginary equipment that can easily solve complex problems; you patients have to try not to take these strategies, be critical, find out: unfortunately, the magic wand is not available to any dentist!
That said, there is no doubt that in the forest of "gadgets" available for dentistry, there are some of which it is no longer possible to do without if you want to deliver a quality product and at the same time guarantee maximum comfort to the own patients.
At the beginning of this page I have included a list of the main equipment purchased by Dentalnarco Dental Center of which I am a member and where I work: these devices add up to several units of magnifying systems which, even without the use of a microscope, allow the dentist to operate with a clear and above all much enlarged vision!
You must remember that we dentists work with very small things in a very narrow place that is your mouth: if we see better, we do better because the hand does (well) what the eye sees (well)!