I imagine that you are already aware that I am a dentist in Milan (Trezzano Sul Naviglio).
Many of my patients come from far away, both from other regions of Italy and abroad, not because I am a "famous" dentist but simply because of the twisted "word of mouth" mechanisms.
When a patient goes a long way or even takes a plane to come and seek treatment in my center, I am always flattered by the confidence that the act itself expresses; on the other hand, I believe that, especially in cases where particularly complex treatment plans are to be faced, it would be more appropriate to choose a professional who works in his area of ​​residence.
Below I give you the contacts of some of my colleagues who work in other areas of our country and who enjoy my respect without any reservations.
If any of these are close to you, do not hesitate to contact them to have them visit you and ask for an opinion on your problems or your needs.
Dott. Giovanni Pisoni
Studio Odontoiatrico Associato Pisoni
Via F. Corridoni,42
Dott. Massimiliano Ciaravino
Odontoiatria Specialistica S.r.l
Via Galimberti Tancredi 2
Dott. Diego capri
COBE Dental
Via Bazzanese 32/4, Casalecchio Di reno.
Dott. Antonello Appiani
Studio Dentistico Associato Appiani Stortini
Via G.13 Di Vittorio 13, Chianciano Terme.
Dott. Andrea Faggian
Faggian Clinic
Via Noalese 49, Zero Branco.